Henry K. Mitchell, BBA, BSC, MBA, MA, CPA, CFE

We are a professional accounting and tax practice business established with the sole purpose of enabling and empowering small business enterprises manage their financial affairs efficiently, effectively, and at affordable price. In doing so, we continue to harness our business model to focus on cultivating distinctive competences interlaced with honesty, candidness, reliability.


That is why we consciously decided to focus on those areas of management that are relevant for the success of any small business enterprise.  Key areas among them are:

  • Preparation of financial statements to inform management of the financial directions of the business.
  • Cutting-edge resources in handling clients’ payroll processing
  • Advising and consulting with clients on to obviate management and tax issues that, if not handled in bud, may swell into avalanche of problems.
  • Providing professional insights to create a longtime business relationship that yields trust and confidence.